White Sweater: American Eagle (similar) // Jeans: America Eagle // Shoes: Forever 21 (super old, similar here) // Necklace: Francescas (similar) // Tote: Nordstrom (under $50!) // Watch: Michael Kors (similar) // Chain Bracelet: J. Crew Factory (similar)

Happy Friday friends! Finally the weekend is heeeerrreee!

I feel like this past week has flown by and I haven't been too productive (oops). With the semester starting to wrap up, my birthday quickly approaching, and I have a wedding I'm attending at the end of the month I can't afford to start slacking now.

With all the errands I have been running back and forth with this reversible tote has been my go-to bag lately. It's so roomy and the best part is I can change it from pink to tan to go with any outfit! Originally I had ordered this tote for work so I could fit everything I needed in one bag instead of lugging around 4 different ones, but next thing I knew it this baby has been going everywhere with me. If you all are in the market for an affordable tote bag, be sure to check it out! It comes in lots of other colors as well!

To keep the trend of my birthday week going I thought it would be fun to share with you all 21 things about me in honor of my 21st birthday! Not gonna lie, it was kind of hard trying to think of 21 things to share with you all, but I hope you find out some new things about me!
  1. I was born in Pennsylvania in the city of brotherly love!
  2. I danced for 10 years (and miss it so much!). 
  3. I also cheerlead for 4 years!
  4. My parents owned a restaurant for 20+ years so I was practically born with a serving platter and apron in hand. 
  5. I had a YouTube channel for about 3 years and stopped my junior year of high school. My channel mainly consisted of me sharing my personal style and let's just say it was a blessing for everyone that I took my channel down, haha.
  6. I started blogging because I still wanted to share my interest in fashion, but didn't want to go through making YouTube videos again. 
  7. I've always wanted a little baby kitten until I found out I am allergic to cats. *tears* I even had the perfect name picked out too! I wanted a white, blue eyed kitten named Mango! 
  8. I did show choir in high school for 4 years which allowed me to travel and performed all over the United States.
  9. I performed at Universal Studios in California my sophomore year of high school
  10. I sworn off soda in middle school and haven't taken a sip of it since
  11. I don't eat any beef or pork. It's not for any religious reasons, I just don't like it and for health reasons as well.
  12. I have a slight obsession with planners. I have 2 that I currently use, one for blogging and one for school / work!
  13. I've had a pet parrot before
  14. My favorite flowers are daisies and peonies
  15. I don't like Cookout or Chipotle (I know, I'm weird)
  16. My graduating class in high school was 93 students. #smalltownprobs
  17. My go to condiments are ranch and mustard
  18. Fruits make up pretty much 70% of my diet
  19. I am terrified of needles.
  20. Wrists freak me out also.
  21. I don't wear makeup, partially because I don't know how to put it on and partially because I just prefer not to. 
I hope you all learned a couple new things about me. Let me know if you can relate to any of these down in the comments! I hope you all have a wonderful and safe weekend and I'll be back Monday!

Shop my outfit:


  1. This as so unique and cute!--I am with ya with the no pork / soda thing & fruit is always in my frig--thank gosh, summer is coming ...more fruits the merrier!

    1. Fruit is just sooo goood! I'm always blown away when people say they don't like it!!

  2. IM TERRIFIED OF NEEDLES TOO! I have no problem giving others shot, but can't take it when they come at me. I have no idea what im going to do when I eventually get pregnant.

    1. OMG GIRL, ME TOO. Everyone tells me that I will be thankful for the IV when the time comes, but I'm like... I don't know about that hahah.

  3. I love how you shared more about yourself with us! So fun :)
    Yay on almost being 21.

    xoxo, Jenny

  4. Super fun post! :) I don't drink soda either (because I've never liked it), and I'm also afraid of needles. I've always been in choirs since I was like 6, but I've never done show choir - it sounds like it was a blast!

    Stephanie | Sincerely, Stephanie

    1. I miss show choir! It was so fun getting to travel and perform across the United States! Also, high five for not drinking soda either! :D

  5. Good for you on being au natural! I wish I could go more often without makeup!

    1. Thanks girl! I bet you're just as beautiful without it!

  6. It's so fun that you shared this list with us! I love getting to know fellow bloggers more!
    -Anna | www.fivefootandfabulous.com

  7. Wrists? lol! So funny! I don't wear much makeup either or drink pop/soda.

  8. I love a bag you can just throw everything in and go! This one is super cute. I loved learning more about you :)


    1. Glad you liked reading the post! And I'm obsessed with the tote, such a great purchase!

  9. all of these facts are so interesting! I think it is so cool that you got to preform at Universal Studios! x, kenz http://sincerelykenz.com

    1. It was such a cool experience! And our stage number was 13, which is my lucky number!

  10. Happy Birthday! Really, really love reading posts like this where I get to see more into personal lives (I'm nosy haha jk). Lots of cool facts and hope you have a good one!

    Stephanie ● Sartorial Diner

    1. Hahha, don't worry girl I'm nosy too! Glad you liked the post!

  11. You don't eat pork or beef and your diet is mostly fruits. Wow! You must be really healthy. Haha. Nice knowing you!

    x, Kat of Nested Thoughts

    1. Hahhaha, I try!! My sweet tooth is what gets me thought. I can down Ben and Jerrys like nobody's business!

  12. Wowww you swore off soda?! That's awesome. I usually can go a week or two without it but then I cave when I'm nannying. I work early in the morning so I convince myself I need a pickup! I also have an obsession with planners -- my favorite brand is Emily Ley! Her new planners come out May 11! I didn't wear makeup until sophomore year, and even then it was just mascara, so I support you in your decision to go natural - its the best feeling!


    1. Hahah I guess I traded soda for coffee as a pick me up! I haven't heard of Emily Ley planners, I need to check them out! And thanks girl, you're the sweetest!!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. HAHHA I live of fruit as well its amazing!!! http://emilysthoughts.wix.com/emily

  15. I don't drink soda either! I stopped in middle school as well. I'm all about some water. That's so neat that your parents owned a restaurant!

  16. OMG - I don't like Cookout or Chipotle either!! I can't understand why everyone else obsesses over it haha .. Would much rather get Chickfila or Moe's!

    How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com

  17. LOVE that bag!! I love planners too! I seriously have like 4 now I think...haha!
    The Fashionista's Diary

  18. Cute bag!! Loved learning more about you. I also am not a big Chipotle fan haha!! (Moe's all the way!!!) And how cool that you did so many fun things while growing up/in high school! And love learning people's reasons for starting a blog. :-) Happy 21st birthday week!

    xoxo A
