Well, it's been a hot minute.
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Hi friends, long time no... post? It's been a little quiet around here at The Daily Amy, but my personal life is anything but that. If you've been following me on Instagram you may have gotten little snip bits of my life these past few months but here are a few highlights:
- I went to Peru!... and almost got locked out of the country because of it
- Went into quarantine mode as soon as I got back to the US
- Got and recovered from COVID-19
- Turned 25!
- Celebrated my 6th blog anniversary
- Moved in with my boyfriend!
And those are just scratching the surface. It's crazy to think it's already been about three months since we started to go into quarantine mode here in North Carolina. Even though NC is in Phase 2 and we're able to head out more with some restrictions lifted, my household has still been playing it safe.
Going into quarantine I had a game plan of being productive, learning new skills, and making the most of my time during this stressful situation, but like many things in life, that didn't go as planned. Even though I didn't learn a new language or pick up on a new skill, I'm still coming out of quarantine with some new life lessons that are just as valuable.
If there's one thing I've learned in 2020 it's to adapt to your surroundings. With the status of the world constantly changing with COVID and just various events in my life in general, being able to step back and let go of the fact that I can't control everything around me has been a work in progress.
As someone who thrives off of a set routine and plans everything down to a T, it's taken a lot to keep up with the constant change in my environment. Ever since February, my life has been nothing but a series of changes being thrown at me left and right with having the time of my life in Peru to being in lockdown mode, getting sick, learning to be alone, and now with restrictions starting to lift. At one point it got so bad to where I kept having panic attacks and stressing myself out over things that weren't in my control. I wish this was something I can say that I have mastered, but it is still something I am working on and trying to get better at.

I actually spent most of the quarantine alone. I never really expressed that on social media mainly because out of fear for my safety, but being completely isolated for almost two months was something I was not prepared for. At the time my roommate had gone home to visit family and ended up having to stay there during the quarantine and with me getting sick I couldn't have anyone come quarantine with me anyway.
As someone who has never lived alone before and just likes having company around in general, being alone in my apartment for an extended period of time was really hard for me. Even though it was (REALLY) difficult at first, I slowly realized the beauty of being alone. I learned how to enjoy my own company and it was nice to do things I wanted to do when I wanted to do them without having to check in with anyone else.
Ok, ok, I know this isn't a huge or major life-changing thing to learn, but taking self-timer photos has always been a struggle for me. With being in lockdown and not being able to have my regular photoshoots, learning how to take decent self-timer photos was a must if I wanted to continue to post content during quarantine. Not saying that I've mastered the art of self-timer photos where I can completely cut out blog shoots from my life, but I will say they have improved a ton since the start of quarantine. Some things that have been super helpful in this process have been getting a Bluetooth remote and a solid tripod!
Also, having to look at me constantly through the camera and figure out angles that work for me has oddly gotten me more comfortable with my body. So, I guess that's two wins?
What have you been up to during quarantine? Let me know down below! I know this is such an odd and stressful time all around, but just know it's temporary and we will get out of this stage eventually. I hope you all are staying safe and as always, thank you for reading!
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