Happy Sunday everyone!
Apologizes for the late Pink Talks post, things have been a little crazy here outside of the blog. From school work starting to pile up, searching for a job, and trying to get my life together I have been a little overwhelmed lately. #adulting Any who, let's just jump right in to today's Pink Talks post!
What I've been doing...
Exploring Charlotte
Lately RJ and I have been making an effort to explore more of Charlotte. Even though I have been in Charlotte for a little over three years now I tend to have gotten into the routine of going to the same restaurants, the same stores, and the same parts of town.
We recently went exploring in South End Charlotte and we fell in love with this part of town! To me it was sort of a combination of Noda and South Park which are two of my favorite parts of Charlotte. We even scouted a few potential photo spots for the blog so I'm excited to head back over there to take some photos!
Dress || Similar Earrings, Affordable version HERE || Purse
If you follow me on Snapchat (amy.pnp) then you may have saw some snaps of the blogging event I attended on Friday! I was able to attend the End of Summer Bash with Diet Coke hosted by Simply Stylings! Unfortunatly I didn't realize the event was 21+ and I had brought RJ who doesn't turn 21 until next month... /:
RJ was such a sweetheart and pushed me to go up to the event for a little bit to mingle with some fellow bloggers and to take some photos while he sat in the lobby watching TV. Seriously, major shout out to him, he's too sweet!
Like I had mentioned, I did end up going up to the event for 20ish minutes to meet up with some of my blogging babes and to check out the event. The event was so cute and decorated with Diet Coke bottles for the event.
Incase you were wondering, I did make it up to RJ for being such a good sport by taking him out to dinner afterwards. We headed to Fahrenheit to take some photos of the Harvest Moon and look out over the city. Afterwards we ended the night at Nikkos, our favorite place for some delicious sushi!

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