Happy Saturday friends!
Welcome back to another week of Pink Talks! If you would like to catch up on what's been going on in my life you can check out my pervious Pink Talks 1, 2, and 3. Lots has been going on in my life lately and I'm excited to share what's been going on with you all!
What I've been doing...
The Legend of Tarzan
Tons of awesome great movies have been coming out lately! Last weekend my friends and I went out and watched The Legend of Tarzan in IMAX 3D. I've mentioned previously that I love Disney movies and was so excited to see the recreation of the Tarzan movie. It was such a great movie and I loved how they recreated the storyline to bring it to life.
Featured on Jack Rodgers website and Instagram
Low key fan girl moment I have to share with you all. This photo recently got featured on Jack Rodger's website and Instagram and it was so cool to see it reposted! I snapped this photo during a pool day I had with some friends on Sunday and it was much needed. I remember spending almost everyday at the pool with friends during the summer growing up and wish I could go back to those days.
Craft City Social Club 4th of July Splash Bash
If you all follow me on Instagram (@pastelnpinkblog), Snapchat (@amy.pnp) or checked out Thursday's blog post then you know I spent the day portion of my 4th of July at the Craft City Social event! I had such a wonderful time and you can read my post on it here!
4th of July in Uptown
As for the night portion of the 4th, a few friends and I went up to a parking deck in Uptown to catch the fireworks show. Although the location to see the fireworks wasn't fantastic, the view of Uptown was. I mean, check out the killer skyline view photo down below!
P.S. If you are in Charlotte and haven't seen the Sky Show fireworks show during the 4th of July I highly recommend it! I went last year and watched them on the Mcormick's parking deck it was FANTASTIC. I heard the best spot to watch them is at the Romare Bearden Park near the BB&T baseball stadium and may need to check that out for next year. Seriously the best fireworks show I've ever seen.
Yesterday I stopped by Urban Outfitters and picked up some new cat eyed sunnies that I am obsessed with! I've wanted a pair of sunnies in this cat eyed shape and I'm so excited to start wearing them out.

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