Dress: The Pink Boutique (identical one here) || Earrings: Bauble Bar || Purse: Kate Spade (similar) || Wedges: Target || Watch: Michael Kors (similar in all gold here) || Chain Bracelet: J.Crew Factory || Alex and Ani Unicorn Bracelet || Alex and Ani Initial bracelet
Happy Friday friends!
GUYS! Today my little corner of the internet turns 2 years old!!
I cannot believe that 2 years has already flown by. This really counts as a one year blogiversary in my mind because during my first year of blogging I was very inconsistent and didn't really start diving into the blogging world until last summer.
I started blogging because I wanted a place where I could share my interest of fashion with the world. My friend group mainly consists of guys and let's be honest, they really don't care about the fact that I just scored a Lilly Pulitzer dress for an awesome price at Marshalls (true story, btw!). I wanted a place where I can talk about clothes without having the thought that I'm annoying people who could care less and possibility find some like minded people.
I've learned so much since starting Just Casually Chic (my original blog name before I rebranded to Pastel N Pink). I don't mean to get cliche and sappy, but I really have (just take a look at my first post to see for yourself)! Just in the past year alone I started to learn more about photography, lighting and basic editing. I learned the importance of how to market yourself and applied a lot of what I was learning in school to my blog. In just this past year I got a chance to do my first sponsored post, host my first giveaway and even got to meet up with some fellow bloggers! I have also rebranded my blog, gave it a makeover (at least five times...) and purchased my domain name! SO much as has happened in this past year alone and it's crazy how fast it's gone by.
I had mentioned before that I use to dance for 10 years and that was my creative outlet from school growing up. Since coming to college I felt like I didn't have a creative outlet since I didn't continue dancing. I'm glad that I now have my blog as my own little project to keep me sane during the school year.
I could go on and on, but I'll just leave it at how grateful I am for all the opportunities blogging has given me. Also, want to give a big thank you to you all for reading my blog! I mean, really. Thank you for listing on to my constant rambles about how I hate growing up. So cheers to 2 years and many more years to come for Pastel N Pink. I'm so excited for what the future holds!
Here's a few of my favorite posts over the past two years!
Business in the Front
Last Minute Halloween Costumes
White Ruffle Blouse
Spring has Sprung
Cheers to 21 Years!
Ultimate Alaska Cruise Packing List
Blue Floral Dress
Also, I have to give a quick shoutout to my friend Dylan for helping me with my photos! The bubble photos just wouldn't be possible without his help!

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